
Our Vision

  • To provide exceptional education for children from any background so that they become happy, confident adults with excellent academic knowledge and qualifications.
  • The 51勛圖2023 is committed to fully comprehensive education and working in and around Greater Manchester to provide inspiring, memorable schooling for all its students.

Our Values

  • High quality educational provision is an entitlement of all young people.
  • Our schools and academies will deliver high standards of academic achievement and personal development.
  • We will recruit, train and retain the very best staff driven by a strong culture of professional development and mutual support in the pursuit of highly effective teaching and the highest levels of student progress.
  • We will be forward thinking and highly aspirational, grounding our strategy and development in the latest educational research.
  • Our academies will be truly comprehensive and inclusive, and rooted within their local community.
  • We will enable all of our students to succeed promoting and providing equal opportunities and equity of provision.
  • We will champion the Cooperative values of Self-help, Self-responsibility, Democracy, Equality, Equity and Solidarity.
  • We will operate our organisation with the ethical values of Openness, Honesty, Social Responsibility and Caring for others.

Our objectives, purpose and principles are included in our strategy:

Our Strategy

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